Relational Investment

692da7d5b71cf0a434df0f0ea333cd9bIn the book of Ecclesiastics Solomon writes that God “…has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end” (Ecc. 3:11). I believe the eternity he speaks of refers to the place that God is meant to fill in our lives. Notice, eternity is placed in the heart. Just like each cell has a nucleus with a DNA molecule, so each heart has Continue reading

Staying Sober


In his letter to the Corinthians Paul wrote, “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die” (1 Corinthians 15:32b). He was writing to the church to help them understand the importance of the resurrection of Christ. Without the resurrection of the dead, there is no forgiveness of sins and there is no motivation to suffer in service to God. Why suffer if this is the only life we know? The whole verse says, “If, in the manner of men, I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantage is it to me? If the dead do not rise, ‘Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!’” Paul was not encouraging sinful living, only Continue reading

Pleasing God


I want to suggest that the title to our lesson is more challenging than we might think. We are accustomed to hearing that when one believes in Jesus as their Savior, all is well. Such a person is said to be “saved.” Indeed, the call of the gospel is to believe: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved…” (Acts 16:31). However, those who believe are given the equally important command to, “Follow Me” (Matthew 4:19). When we follow the Lord, Continue reading

Living Wisely


When Jesus stood before Pilate, Pilate asked the question, “What is truth?” (John 18:38). He asked this in response to Jesus’ claim, “Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice” (John 18:37). Pilate demonstrated an unwise heart. As a result, he was unable to hear the voice of God. He was looking truth in the face and denied Him. Jesus was trying to open his eyes with His statement. We serve such an amazing God. Even while a prisoner, Jesus was seeking Continue reading

The Choice


Parenting can be a challenging occupation. Not the least of which is because children are curious. However, their curiosity can get them into trouble. They want to explore and can find themselves engaged in foolish activity that can bring harm to themselves. As Solomon addresses his children, and by extension, as God addresses His children, he wants them to understand that the Continue reading

Compassion Demonstrated


Wealth. It is something that people pursue every day. From simply going to work to pay the bills, to building corporations that span the globe and generate billions of dollars. From our earliest days we learn that, to some degree, we must spend our time pursing wealth. Unfortunately, the pursuit of such wealth can distract us from what is most valuable in life. In our text, Solomon is teaching his son where Continue reading

Direction Offered

Life is a journey. As we travel the road of life, we discover that the journey can be long, arduous, and sometimes confusing. There are many signposts along the way; but if those signposts do not originate with the Lord, they will serve only to misdirect us. As Solomon speaks to his son about navigating the journey of life, he gives clear directions. He greatly desires that his son’s journey Continue reading