

Welcome to the Faith Formation Ministries blog!

The goal is to provide resources that promote spiritual growth for individual believers as well as for the church. As believers we are called to grow to maturity in Christ (Ephesians 4:11-15). Spiritual growth is a process that takes time, and spiritual growth only happens when one is intentional about their faith. Further, believers are called to become disciples who follow Christ. The church’s mission is to make Christ known amongst the nations (Matthew 28:18-20). This happens to the proportion that individual believers take responsibility to grow in their faith.

The entries on this site are designed to encourage growth through God’s Word. The phrase, “Faith seeking understanding” is an ancient creed that helps us realize that spiritual growth begins with faith. In an age of skepticism and doubt, where many people make themselves the center of authority, it is necessary that as Christians we allow God to speak to us, even when our initial understanding is dim. Faith is not a wish, it is trusting that God is true. When we trust Him, He illuminates our understanding and gives us the ability to hear His truth, and to see it in the world.

It is my prayer that your faith is enriched and your spirit encouraged as you read these posts!